my reading list
I hope to get through in the next 4 months
The Reflective Practitioner by Donald A. Schon
The Therapy of Desire by Martha Nussbaum
Society Of Mind by Marvin Minsky
Mindstorms: Children, Computers, And Powerful Ideas by Seymour A. Papert
Ways of Worldmaking by Nelson Goodman
The Embodied Mind – Cognitive Science and Human Experience (The MIT Press) by Francisco J. Varela
Ex-formation by Kenya Hara
Flow: The Classic Work On How To Achieve Happiness by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
How we think – Dewey
Ethical Know-how – Varela
Liberal Education and Its Discontents: the Crisis in the Indian University - Srinivasan, Shashikala.
Sadhana - Tagore, Rabindranath
The Mahatma and The Poet - Mahatma Gandhi
The Craftsman - Sennett, Richard
Hind Swaraj – MK Gandhi
Conversations in Critical Making – Garnet Hertz
Drg Drsya Viveka – Sri Sankaracharya
Critical Making - Matt Ratto
In the Bubble - Thakara